1- Why were you transferred? I thought that Elder Starke was being transferred and you were staying in Puerto.
2- I heard from the missionary mom's group that some areas of Esteli were closed down, so why were you transferred in there?
3- Are you still a ZL there?
4- Is Elder Starke still in Puerto or did he get transferred also?
5- Did you fly to Esteli?
6-How long will you be there, any idea?
7-How is the work going there?
8- Did you ever get your Valentine Package?
9-What spiritual experiences did you have this week?
10- What is your apartment like there? (Running water etc)
11- Where are you eating these days? Do you eat with the members?
12- Have you lost weight since you are not in the office anymore?
1 Why was I changed, I don't know. The lord needed me in a different place. It was way funny when the zone found out I had changes they all got real mad and said that they were going to come with me.
2 Well lets see, Esteli is on a down fall to be honest. They pulled out about 8 missionaries from here. It is the hardest zone in the mission so we will see how it goes. The lord has some big plans for this place, so I guess I was transferred here to help the place out. Who knows?
3 Yeah I am still ZL here. I will probably be ZL for the rest of my mission, till October when I come home. Being ZL is a ton of extra work but I love it.
4 Yeah, Elder Stark is still there in Puerto
5 No, I flew to Managua and took a bus from Managua to Esteli.
6 Who knows how long I will be here. I hope for around 6 months or just finish my mission here. That way I can get settled down and do work. Being changed around sucks.
7 haha The work here is a little slower from the rest of the mission, but we still do work. We have a goal of baptizing 3 families in the month of April (in March there were no baptisms) and as a zone we baptized 16. This month of March we only had 2 families so we are doing a 180 make over of Esteli. as far as the members here we had an attendance of 36 at church and we don't get much help here from the members.
8 Yes, I got my Valentines package about 2 months ago before going to Puerto and I am pretty sure I told you that already. A miracle from god happened this week. I received the soccer video that you made and sent that never got here. It was sent on May 15, 2010 and one year later I got it. Cool right!
9. Well yesterday I was on divisions on my area with an Elder Leon. I told him every one we walked past if he didn't say hey or bye or any thing to them I would punch him. So this caused that we started to talk to every one. Over all we found like 5 new families to talk to but one of the families was like 20 yards away and he yelled adios to them and they were way happy that he spoke to them. So we went over and talked to the family, it was like 3 families that live in the same house. They were way receptive. The grandma started crying and they all accepted to be baptized this 16 of April. It was way cool the lesson was way spiritual, but it is funny how the lord works. Some times you have to do things extreme to help others learn but it helps you gain a testimony of opening your mouth and talking to every one.
10 Well the apartment we live in is 2 rooms one with the beds and one with just stuff to study. It is pretty nice for Nicaragua. We have running water, it's cold but always running. Esteli is a really kind of a rich place, so things aren't to bad here.
11 We eat at a place that's kinda like a restaurant but the owner is a member. We eat lunch and dinner there. The good part about the place is that he gives us a salad with both meals and we always get good tasting food. It is probably not to healthy but it taste good. Just so you know I go poop at least 3 times a day these days. It is pretty cool.
12 Oh yeah, I have lost weight. It is awesome. I am skinny, tan and sexy now that I am not in the office. In the office I was fat white and ugly. haha
Over all the mission is sweet these days. My zone are all great missionaries. Some of them are not the hardest workers, but they are all obedient, so that is way good. I think that is why they took out a lot of missionaries from here. If they aren't converted and really want to serve their mission and know why you are doing it (and the girls here aren't your average nica ugly, they are white and pretty so a lot of missionaries get bummed that they don't have success and end up doing stupid things) they aren't successful. So I think that is why they took missionaries out.
Well here are a couple photos of Esteli.
The little kid with glasses is my comp.
The Asian looking kid is Elder Morris, he is from Panama and he is cool.
Well there is every thing for now.
Love you,
Elder Bloomfield
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